infant baby sleeping covered with blanket

How Close Should Humidifier Be To Baby?

Have you considered why your baby may be crying out loud or waking up in the middle of the night? Studies claim it is either discomfort or wanting parental affection. There are many reasons why your child may be uncomfortable. In most cases, the dry air resulting from your air conditioner or heating system is the prime cause.

Babies are very sensitive and their skin can sense dry air sharply. When air gets too dry your baby might suffer from congestion or irritation in their lungs and nasal passages. You may be wondering if you have a humidifier turned on all the time so what’s the problem?

Are you keeping your humidifier too far away or too close to your baby? Keeping them too far or too close both have side effects. To learn how close should a humidifier be to your baby read our article!

Why Humidifiers Are Important for Babies?

Babies have delicate skin and are sensitive to moisture levels in the air. During the summer months, we all need cool air to beat the heat. Air conditioners might cool the air in your room, but it also sucks in the moisture away. Loss of moisture can cause a lot of problems for our health and especially for babies.

Babies usually suffer from breathing problems if the moisture level drops in the room. If your child has respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis you need your humidifier turned on 24/7.

A humidifier can also keep cracked skin, unwanted allergies, and rashes away. It also protects against skin complications and keeps your lips and nasal airways moisturized.

How Far Away Should You Keep the Humidifier from Your Baby?

One of the most important things parents are asking is how close to put the humidifier to the crib.

The distance between the humidifier and the baby depends on the type of humidifier you have. If you have an ultrasonic humidifier you should it 3 feet away from your baby.

Humidifiers emit tiny water droplets throughout the baby’s room. It is better to place the humidifier on a water-resistant tray made from stainless steel. Experts recommend keeping ultrasonic humidifiers 2 feet above the ground. This will also keep your floor dry and protect your carpet.

It is better if you put your humidifier on a nightstand, a chair, or a 2 feet long table.

In Case of Complications

If your child had congestion, dry skin, heat rashes, or any other clinical complications it is better to keep the humidifier 1-2 feet away from him. The humidifier should be positioned at the head of your baby’s crib.

However, make sure to do this temporarily. If you put the humidifier too close it can cause problems for your child. Remember that humidifiers should be placed at least 3 feet away from your little one when your baby’s condition improves.

Make Sure to Position the Humidifier in Your Baby’s Room Properly

A humidifier needs to evenly distribute moisture throughout the room. It will be best if the humidifier is kept at the center of your baby’s room. You can set your baby’s crib a few feet away from the wall or corners and place the humidifier 3 feet away.

However, if you cannot keep the humidifier at the center of your baby’s room you can try to place it as close to the center. Try to avoid placing it at any corner. This will decrease the humidifier’s efficiency.

Position the Humidifier in Your Baby’s Room Depending on Its Type

There are 4 main types of humidifiers available in the market. In this section, we will be discussing why each type of humidifier needs to be positioned differently in your baby’s room.

Ultrasonic Humidifier

Ultrasonic humidifiers are quiet and noise-friendly. However, their internal water tanks need to be kept full all the time as it tends to give out dust along with mist if the water level drops. Just like all other humidifiers you need to add distilled water to its tank for a clear mist.

Also, unlike other humidifiers, you need to check ultrasonic humidifiers often. Turn it off and on at regular intervals otherwise, levels of humidity will increase. This type of humidifier can be placed anywhere in the room.

Steam Vaporizer Humidifier

A steam vaporizer humidifier is one of the best humidifier types available. You need to add boiling water to its water tank which will be converted into steam. Boiling water is good for eliminating germs and microbes from the air. This will be better for your baby’s room. However, its disadvantage is that it tends to get hot easily.

If your toddler touches the humidifier when it is hot it would harm his hand. If you have a steam vaporizer humidifier at home, remember to keep it 4 to 5 feet away from your child. It would be best if it is kept near a wall. Place it on top of a strong long table so that it stays out of his reach.

Warm Mist Humidifier

Warm mist humidifiers work the same way as steam vaporizer humidifiers but their mist is cooler. This is why people prefer warm mist humidifiers during the summer months. The best thing about it is that it does not heat up too much. You can keep it at a safe distance from your child’s crib.

If you want to keep the humidifier turned on an entire night we suggest you place it near your child’s bed. It should be placed facing your child’s back and kept 2 -3 feet away. During the night, temperatures tend to drop a few degrees and moisture is lost from the body.

Cool Mist Humidifier

Cool mist humidifiers do not get hot after long hours of use. It is safer than most humidifiers and can be kept near your child’s bed. Most cold mist humidifiers contain a built-in filter.

This filter helps to clean the air and make it fresh. If your child has congestion or similar complications we suggest you a cool-mist humidifier 2 – 3 feet away from his bed.

Where to Put a Humidifier in Your Baby’s Room?

When placing a humidifier in your baby’s room you must follow all the guidelines that come with the model as well as the general tips mentioned above. Also, you must take extra precautions to prevent accidents.

For example, a warm-mist humidifier should be kept far away from the crib as over-humidification can be bothersome for your baby. In case you have toddlers, the appliance along with its electrical cords should not be within reach so you should place them high up on a sturdy piece of furniture.

Plus, frequent cleaning of the humidifier is crucial if you’re using it for your baby. It can easily be done using a soft cloth and a mixture of vinegar and water. To prevent the growth of bacteria, you must make sure to change the water in the filter before each use. While it’s suggested to use distilled or filtered water for any humidifier it’s a must when you’re putting it in your baby’s room.

Places In Baby’s Nursery Where You Should Not Keep Your Humidifier

Do not place your humidifier next to electrical outlets

Do not put your humidifiers near electrical outlets. Water spillage could cause a terrible hazard at any time.

Do Not Keep It Near Cords or Wires

Make sure to never place your humidifiers near radiators or any other heated surface.

Humidifiers should not be kept over carpets or wooden surfaces. Water droplets may accumulate and damage your floor

Nowadays all humidifiers work using electricity from electric outlets. So make sure the wires and cords are arranged and tied properly. You or your child could trip and harm himself if the wires kept lying scattered around his bed.

Never Keep It Near a Heater

Keep it over a stable piece of furniture and it should not be wobbly. It should be placed tightly over it so that it has no chance of falling off.

Keep It Away from the Sunlight

The sun’s rays may damage the machine or cause it to heat up.

When Should You Turn on the Humidifier in Your Baby’s Room?

You should have 40 to 50% humidity in your all the time. However, the percentage of ideal humidity levels is not the same for everyone. Some people feel comfortable at higher levels of humidity. Others feel humidity should be as low as 30 to 40%.

As a general thumb rule when your moisture level reaches 30%, you should turn on your humidifier immediately to add moisture to the air. In dry regions and during winter moisture levels can drop as low as 20%. In such times you need to increase humidity in the air.

Things You Need to Keep in Mind While Placing Humidifier in a Baby Room

Humidifiers need to be cleaned every week. You cannot let any dust settle in it. if dirt gets into your water tank you might get dirty mist. The air around you will be damp and hard to breathe.

Also, remember to clean the humidifier with a clean cloth along with water and white vinegar. Remember to change the water in the internal tank after 1 to 2 days. This would prevent any bacteria or microorganisms to grow and accumulate there.

If your child is sensitive to noise make sure your humidifier is not evaporative. Evaporative humidifiers are the nosiest among all its types. It may wake your child up, or prevent him from going to sleep. Opt for ultrasonic humidifiers if your child is not resistant to noise.

Should Humidifier Run All Night For Baby?

It depends on the humidity level in the nursery. There’s no harm in running your humidifier all night in the baby’s room either. High-quality sleep is crucial for your baby’s development. If the air is dry, your baby might not get restful sleep which is a problem.

Thankfully, a humidifier can introduce moisture into the air. As a result, the air quality and humidity increase. Your baby will sleep better and also wake up less in the middle of the night. Not only is that good for your baby’s health, but it’ll also allow you to get some much-needed sleep.

Apart from that, it’ll also prevent dry skin and nasal congestion. A soothing environment will help your baby sleep better. And one of the ways is to have your humidifier running all night for a baby.

Bottom Line

You should now know how far you should keep your humidifier from your baby. Cleaning your humidifier and changing the water frequently should keep the air healthy. Keep the humidifier out of reach of your baby. Hope you and your child can stay healthy and well moisturized.

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